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The Power 
of Outstanding

We provide all the Tools, Guidance, and Support to you as Care Sector Specialists to ensure you succeed in CQC Compliance, including, Training and Developing your Staff to meet the needs of the people you look after.



Taking the Care you Provide to
the Next Level

CQC Compliance

Whether it be improving, maintaining or helping you with new innovative and creative ideas, we would be delighted to be given the opportunity to work with you, your staff and your clients.

Training & Development

As a combined team we strive to deliver learning, training and development which promotes and inspires the learner to achieve the best possible outcomes. 

"Becoming outstanding at anything is all a matter of attitude. You must make up your mind once and for all - you commit yourself - and then just stay with it until you finally have what you set out to get."

- Author: Earl Nightingale



Our Experts Are the Finest

Vita Care Consultants and Training & Development is your answer to improving your CQC Rating, we currently specialise in Care Homes and Home Care.


The team have a combined 30 Years experience in the Health and Social Care Sector; including experience in the NHS, Private Sector, and Local Authority


We have successfully, tried & tested, robust formulas for improving, embedding and maintaining GOOD CQC standards.


We have a wealth of experience in care home management, auditing, quality assurance systems and training.


We are a driven and enthusiastic team,  caring about raising standards in care. ​​



"Team members found Vicky and Tamara approachable and supportive, their strong leadership was also a key factor in making the two short term facilities they have led successful."

Calderdale Metropolitan Borough Council


Endorsements and Registrations



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